Fab Friday Finds – Rummage Sale from Heaven

I wait expectantly for the VNA twice a year rummage sale in NJ.

Shoo the kids off to school, pack up my car with my necessities.

Snacks – check
Rain Jacket & Boots for the muddy fields – double check
Water – check
Tote bag – check
Dorky cart – check

I’m ready to hit the road.

Adrenaline pumps through me as I approach the gate.

This site greets me.


I mean, this place is HUGE!

25+ tents organized with military precision.

I stake my claim in line at The Furniture Tent and plot my mission.

45 minutes later, I’m in.

I start off with a bang when I score four toolboxes for $3.50!


Most things are marked, but this ginormous box isn’t.

“How much is this toolbox”, I ask the nice gentleman?

“How much do you want to pay?”

“$5”, I offer (mentally biting my nails).

“How about $4?”

Huh, he wants me to pay less than I offered?

“Sold” – then he marks it $3.50.

When I open it up – that one giant toolbox was hiding 3 mini boxes inside!


I love typewriter tables and already have one but couldn’t pass up this cutie on casters for $5!

Next stop – the Vintage Tent!

Score of the Day!

The heavens parted, light shown down …

on this 1970’s Peter Max 7-Up vending machine sign.

I have a fabulous place in mind for this baby!


I’ve been having a bit of a thing for 70’s embroidery lately (remember my other thrift shop find).

Last stop – The Book Tent

where I did a little happy dance when I spotted this old 50’s world atlas!

I’ve been searching for one of these babies and have plans for the pages.


Now the lines were really getting long and there’s only so much a girl,

even a die-hard like me, can take.

So I loaded up my car and drove home a happy rummage sale camper.

There were lots of things I passed on like the gnome cookie jar, antique sewing machine, chippy scale …

but did take lots of pics and posted them on Twitter so be sure to follow me on my next thrifting adventure.

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  1. Great finds kelly! I want those toolboxes!! And the atlas is great- i have an old one that my mom gave me and the pages have been perfect for fun projects. Enjoy!!!

  2. Fantastic finds! What a great surprise to find 3 more toolboxes inside the big one. I may have done a cartwheel had then been my purchase. Looks like an awesome sale!

  3. I love that vintage 7up sign. So Retro and cool. And the nesting tool boxes are fun. Can’t wait to see what you do with the map pages. Have a great weekend.

  4. OH EM GEE, my heart was totally going pitter patter in the first pic at the first sight of that long blue numbered tool box, and then you showed a close up and THEN you mentioned we’d love it. I am in love. I want to marry it. I think polygamy is legal here. 😉

    And that 7-UP sign, can’t wait to see where you put it and what you do with those maps. Now get to work so I can see. 🙂

    Have an awesome weekend!

  5. That 7-Up sign is to die for! I’m such a sucker for 70’s stuff. Wow, you got some great stuff at bargain prices. Good for you!!!

  6. I NEED that number 5 box. What are you doing to me? I can’t take it anymore. Please list some of your finds in your ETSY shop.


    🙂 your un-yardsaled friend

  7. Girl I don’t know how much you paid for that 7 Up sign…but that was the purchase of the day….the stuff is going for at least $125 on ebay!!! Good Find!!!!! and loving the tool boxes too…in case you happen to find another sign…grab it and sell it to me! =0)

  8. From all I’ve heard from those who’ve experienced it, you’d love the Brimfield, MA 3 day sales that line both sides of a 2 mile stretch of road with fields full of fields full of “rummage sale from heaven” stuff. The kind that people come from all over the country to get. The kind that they recommend booking accomodations for overnight a year ahead. It’s held in May, July, Sept. and we always meant to go before arthur itis and his friends caught up with us too strongly.

    1. Oh I know all about Brimfield! I am tearing up that I am not there right now! I always say, next time, next time … but next time hasn’t come yet! But one day I will make the drive and go! Oh what fun I would have – I may need to rent an 18 wheeler to get all my finds home!

  9. Wow Kelly great finds, the toolbox story is too funny and what a surprise inside!!
    So good you had a great time!

    I want to invite you to enter my giveaway from the Enchanted Home!

    Art by Karena

  10. Kelly, Kelly, Kelly, I was just following you back over from my blog and what do I find: a stack of beautiful, rusty, distressed toolboxes. You know my obsession with metal boxes. I am Kelly green with envy! What does VNA stand for and how far is it from Carolina? My fellow rust goddesses and I are thinking of a spur of the moment trip somewhere. We are just going to hop in a truck, drive and buy, and then rent a U-Haul to come back! Far out and groovy, man!

    Distressed Donna Down Home

    1. You are officially the first person who has sang the Kelly Kelly Kelly Cheers song to me on my blog! VNA is the Visiting Nurse Association rummage sale. It’s twice a year – fall and spring. I have to say – this time was not as good as the last few times I have gone. Amazing I know from the pics but there was not as much big stuff as usual. Your road trip sounds fabulous – make sure to pick me up on your way! We need the Mystery Machine – now that would be far out and groovy!

  11. How fun is this!!! I love your scores, especially that little typewriter stand. I would really like to know though, how my flower pot embroidery project from 1978 traveled all the way to New Jersey and ended up at a thrift sale. My mother must have cleaned it out and given it away and on it went……..

  12. Duuuude, you totally scored!! I’ve been looking for a tool box like the bog one for ages!! yYou always find the best stuff…or maybe you have the best taste? Either way- I’m jealous!! 😉
    xo Becca

  13. I love that 7up sign! I remember Peter Max billboards! Where was that great VNA sale? That was a cool place to shop. I’m from Jersey.
    Blessings, Linda @ Grandmalay’s Daydreams

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